Human Resource Services
Personal Physical Health Services
These services consist of the following:
Personal Financial Health Services (aka as
Financial Harvesting@Home) consist of the following:
By using our proprietary Financial Harvesting® @Home system we are capable of providing you with a unique set of services to help you, your family and your workforce to become financially healthy.
Even though every family is somewhat unique, they have goals in common which need to be tackled when it comes to Financial Planning Services. Our goal is to help you and your family to achieve those goals. We approach each family with an awareness of the special family dynamics which exist. Specifically, here are some of the services we can provide to you and your family.
Executive Compensation Services
Personal Tax planning & Compliance
- Federal & State Tax Returns
- Estate & Gift Tax Planning
Cash Flow Projections & Budgeting
Credit & Debt Management
Bookkeeping and Business Management
Family Financial Planning
- Real Estate Purchases & Refinancing
- Credit Management & Credit Resotration
Marital & Divorce Planning
- Tax Aspects Of Marriage & Divorce
Retirement & Longevity Planning
Elder Services
Estate & Gift Planning
- Quarterbacking the entire process
- Tax Aspects (Estate Tax, Gift Tax)
- Coordination with lawyers