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               DESIGN + GROW + HARVEST 

In the new "Sharing Economy," businesses must operate in a much more complex environment.  The decisions are more complex, the risks are greater and little can be left to chance.  As a result, in order to become a sustainable business, ALL small business owners should rethink how they do business.  Large companies can afford to do this work in-house, but small businesses must once again rely on outsourcing this important part of their business. 

Community Harvest® has already produced part of these blueprints for you by producing a Shared Product & Services Center (SPSC) for small businesses, so:  

                                               GET READY!

DESIGN your small business to include our Shared Product & Service Community (SPSC). 

                                                  GET SET!

GROW your small business with our Shared Product & Service Center (SPSC). 


HARVEST the blessings from your small business with help from our 
Shared Product & Service Center(SPSC).  

Community Harvest®

Would you build a home before hiring a Building Architect to produce a set of design blueprints for you? Of course not.

Then why are you trying to grow a business before hiring a Business Architect to produce a set of design blueprints for you? 

Community Harvest®
Helping You Share The Burdens & Blessings Of Y(our) Harvest

221 Main Street, #547
Los Altos, California 94023